Remastered Avatar proved that theaters have been silently getting ready for Avatar 2 and a new generation of 3D

With the release of a remastered version of the original Avatar in 3D at theaters two months ago, people discovered that a lot of theaters actually had 3D on screens that previously never projected any 3D movie. Not only that, most of them were using HFR 3D capable projectors, giving a much smoother experience. HFR […]

You already have the finest 3D tablet. Now what? Here you have a lot more 3D content

You are enjoying the integrated features of the new tablet. You can watch 3D movies in streaming, see your personal 3D photos, enjoy the ever-increasing 3D content at YouTube, browse stereoscopic communities on social networks, and so on. But… … Do you want more 3D content to enjoy? Do you want to learn new things […]

James Cameron on How Avatar’s 4K HDR Remaster Improves the 3D Experience

James Cameron isn’t known for half-assing things. In fact, quite the opposite. A straightforward theatrical re-release of the original Avatar would probably do fine at the box office and drum up some hype for the long-awaited sequel, Avatar: The Way of Water. But why stop there? Cameron has taken things a step further, overseeing a full 4K HDR […]

Avalanche of 3D releases at theaters!

If you ever missed more variety and availability of 3D movies on theaters, you should be already choosing what movie (or two movies) go to watch today, and then which one to choose for tomorrow and upcoming days. Since Digital 3D revolution, few times you could choose between two 3D movies the same day on […]

Windows: New 3D film premiering April 25th at your home

3-D SPACE presents the independent 3-D experimental film “Windows” to enjoy from home We may not be able to watch a lot of 3D movies in theaters right now, but we still want great 3-D films. The experimental 3-D feature film Windows by independent filmmaker Kevin Ford will premiere online on Sunday, April 25, at […]

‘Euskadi’ filma René Le Hennaff-ek zuzendu zuen 1936an, zinematografoaren asmatzaile Louis Lumièrek garaian garatu zuen 3D teknika baten bidez. Loraldiak dokumento etnografiko hau publiko aurrean erakustea lortu du. ‘Euskadi’ fue dirigida en 1936 por René Le Hennaff, siguiendo la técnica de cine en relieve desarrollada en aquellos años por Louis Lumière, inventor del cinematógrafo. Loraldia […]