Category Cinema

‘Euskadi’ filma René Le Hennaff-ek zuzendu zuen 1936an, zinematografoaren asmatzaile Louis Lumièrek garaian garatu zuen 3D teknika baten bidez. Loraldiak dokumento etnografiko hau publiko aurrean erakustea lortu du. ‘Euskadi’ fue dirigida en 1936 por René Le Hennaff, siguiendo la técnica…

SD&A 2021 3D Theater Session

UPDATE: After the broadcast we would like to highlight the incredible technology of the technical demonstration for neurosurgeons. We have no doubt that it will revolutionize this field. The 3D Theater Session showcases the wide variety of 3D films produced…

Could Mulan return to theaters after all?

This weekend we went to the theater to watch Wonder Woman 1984 in 3D (we gave our #BestOf3D badge). As usual the theater exhibited some movie trailers before the movie, and by surprise we saw the trailer of Mulan in…

Theaters with 3D movies right now (or regularly)

UPDATE: This page contains a list of theaters that reportedly project movies in 3D. Keep asking for 3D on cinemas without 3D sessions. Para ver cines 3D de España cambia de idioma a español pulsando la bandera de la parte…

Мулан / Mulan in 3D in Uzbekistan

We ocassionally contact Disney to ask them to incorporate 3D movies on Disney+ streaming service. Also to at least offer 3D version of Mulan (which is an expensive premiere not included on the service). We recommend to make pressure by…