3D: It starts with a comic in 3D -makes you eager to see more 3D comics- and then scenes with great depth, and lots of objects inside and outside the screen. The great level of 3D continues 2/3rds of the movie. But the end is very plain and depth is barely appreciable. The end part is full of missed opportunities to do exciting things with 3D, because of this we have to reduce our final score.
Nor 4DX, nor 3D sound is taken in account to give the final score of the 3D aspect
4DX: There are few scenes with movement, the most intense is near the end part of the movie. Many objects passing around your head, and pleasant sensation of warmth on scenes with fire. Some unexpected discreet effects in some moments that enhance the experience.
3D sound: We haven’t detected any positional sound, except for some 4DX effects not related with the sound of the speakers.
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