Differences between Stereoscopic 3D, Holographic 3D, and Hologram

If you usually visit this blog you may have wondered about the difference between 3D and other screen technologies. Here we’ll tell you the differences between them. First of all clarify that this terms are not official (sometimes neither the manufacturers themselves are able to explain clearly what kind of image their products offer). But […]

CES 2019. All the information about the upcoming Holographic 3D screens

CES is becoming more and more interesting for 3D enthusiasts. This year Holography has begun to steal prominence from other emerging technologies. It can be more widespread in the future than AR and VR, as glasses or helmets are not required. 3D is everywhere: cameras with depth sensor, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, 3D scanners, use of […]

Red Hydrogen One. The second 3D revolution. All info

The era of holographic displays is finally here. Even before Ultra-D. These better-than-3D-without-glasses displays will allow you to see other angles of image like in reality, even 3D blind people can see depth through movement. Still this images will happen inside a screen (not like Hollywood movies floating outside a screen or even around the […]