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How a Glasses Free 3D Monitor could help your business?


3D monitors can be used by 3D professionals as well as by enthusiasts to play SBS 3D content or 3D movies. For professionals it is a good tool to visualize the 3D effect in real time during the 3D animation or creation, or to have better knowledge of environment when working with real images in real time. For consumers nothing can compare to see your favorite game/movie in 3D than flat 2d, and this also applies to personal photos. But today we’ll speak about professional use.

3D visualization has been a big job as for 3D animation, creation & designs. The challenge is how to instantly check out how the things and features created on a 2D monitor look like in real 3D.

A glasses free 3D monitor can help to solve the problem? Answer is flatly YES!

Professional use

For 3D animation/cinema

3D artists bring us wonderful features on the screen which may accompany us forever. Those 3D artists, creators, animators etc., have to create 3D features with depth usually by viewing a monitor without depth. They have to constantly retouch, check views and repeatingly rotate the models in their 2d monitor and when they think the model is accurate preview the real 3D effect on 3D TV’s by wearing glasses. This inefficient way to work is a big problem, it costs time and money. A professional glasses free 3D monitor is the solution. With a glasses-free 3D monitor artist can view the 3D design in real time as is designed and see the real thing and exactly how will look the final result; Easy and fast!  

For CAD, 3D design, and 3D printing:

The same problem exists on 3D design of buildings or industrial parts. In this case the situation is worse, because final result have to be perfect on all angles (or even inside, hidden to the regular external view), a single mistake on a usually hidden part of the 3D model and your model have to return again to the design stage to be corrected. With a 2d monitor you cannot see depth of every part of the model, and usually lots of errors are detected that cause a lot of time loss in making new prototypes with the problems fixed, and in the case of 3D printing this causes hundreds of dollars of material and days of printing literally wasted, as even medium size models can take several hours or days to finish printing.

For 3D medical of dental and endoscope surgery:

The 3D medical application is mainly for endoscope surgery since allows minimal invasion to the body, but wearing on glasses to watch the 3D TV is really a burden to the surgical doctors. The glasses free 3D monitors truly released the burden of 3D glasses for the surgical doctors. It makes the operation work much more easier; with bigger, sharper and a better view of the area than looking directly or with magnifying glasses.

There are 3D system for dental applications too. Doctors would not need any more to deeply head down to stare at the mouth of patients, but head up to look at the screen for the operation.

The system is quite simple, which consists of 3D microscope lens to take 3D images, and glasses free 3D monitor (with computer built-in), with eye tracking system.


We live in a world full of brands racing for the consumer attention. People are so highly exposed to ads that they vaguely bring any attention to what brands are trying to communicate. Usually when a new ad appears to the eyes of any consumer he/she gets annoyed no matter what the image is showing and the first reaction is to try to avoid the hassle of watch/hear the message they’re trying to send us. Sometimes is as easy as to look to another place (like an ad on the street), others it needs to patiently wait a mere 4 seconds that seems much longer to the user (like YouTube ads), but on this 4 seconds of time the user is not even hearing the message, their brain is focused in to push the Skip Ad button as soon as it will appear.

It’s clear that any campaign today is not even 10% as effective as 20 or even 10 years ago. All ads seems the same as the other and produce no interest on people, no matter how the ad tries to bring attention to it.

Glasses-free 3D is the solution. Depth suddenly appearing to the eyes of people immediately bring their attention, no matter they like 3D movies or not. Is so effective that brands doesn’t need to abuse of the effect or other tricks to bring people attention like in traditional marketing campaigns, there’s not need to over-stimulate the consumer. They only need to quietly transmit their message, in a more relaxed way, without urging people. That way people not only stay focused to the message the brand wants to transmit, but even that consumers will want to watch and hear the entire message voluntarily!

What a difference with YouTube ads everybody want to skip!

Devices and custom solutions

Directly available

For professionals, freelancers, and designers that need a simple monitor to use right out of the box you can buy the ProMa VR monitor, available among other devices on our Store. And we are always working to bring more devices for every need.

Custom solutions

Does your business or organization need a custom solution? Please, visit our new business Tridimensional B2B division: Go to

We offer an array of devices of solutions for every possible need. Just ask us.


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