3 million Euro for a technology that promise to recognize 3D from 2D photos

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3 million Euro for a technology that promise to recognize 3D from 2D photos


Wooptix just has managed a financing by value of 3 million euro

From astrophisics and image capture on space, a team of researchers has gotten a method for take 3D photos with any camera. In words of Javier Elizalde “acquire the 3D information you see from your camera […]. From images we use this technology to correct them from any device”. They’re naming its technology Natural3D, their aim is to lead computational image technology and provide augmented reality. 

They want to introduce Natural3D on a variety of products from different brands. But, for now, they’re still improving the technology.

This technology can improve 2d to 3d conversions from some products of market. A lot of hardware and software products have 2d to 3d converters, but practically none achieve good results, and when do, results are not so impressive compared to real 3D or hand conversions (hard work of frame by frame editing), If they attract investors maybe they have managed to do a great quality conversion…


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