SuperD D1: New affordable 3D smartphone with eye tracking  / Devices, Smartphones /  SuperD D1: New affordable 3D smartphone with eye tracking

SuperD D1: New affordable 3D smartphone with eye tracking


Update: There’s an updated version of this device with 4GB RAM and 64GB of storage under the brand Ivvi, but for a higher price, you can find it on AliExpress

A new 3D device are available, and this time is very affordable and with eye-tracking like the New Nintendo 3DS to avoid losing 3D effect when moving.

This device comes with a 3D Hub like the one in the Axon 7 Max, with a lot of animation movies, perfect for adult and young. Screen is 1080P and comes with 3GB RAM,  so running a lot of Apps will be ok, and have 32GB of storage.

You can find all details on SuperD website, recommended price is 199$, but we found it for only 69$ at eFox.

SuperD are the makers of 3DBox holographic display.



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