You already know The Looking Glass display. Is the first real Holographic screen, with 45 angles of image, this means you (and an unlimited number of people) can move to see image from different angles and smoothly see a life-like image.
The Looking Glass dev kits and the adjoining Unity and three.js SDKs sparked a wave of holographic app creation over the past few months, with thousands of hologram hackers creating new and wonderfully weird apps in their Looking Glasses every day. Looking Glass clubs are even springing up, like this one that meets in Tokyo with a few hundred members and growing. There’s even an integration with the Stereo Photo Maker software to convert classic 3D pictures into Holographic versions.

But these systems are strictly dev kits, meaning they require the user to have a powerful computer to connect to and run the holographic display. I have several Looking Glasses of my own and I love them, but most of the time they sit idle because they can’t run standalone. The multitude of holographic apps being created by developers around the world, like holographic CT scan viewers and interactive software robots and volumetric video players for the Looking Glass, haven’t really been deployable outside of a highly technical crowd that already owns powerful computers.
That changes today with the launch of the Looking Glass Pro, an all-in-one holographic workstation. The Looking Glass Pro is a turnkey holographic solution for any enterprise that needs to display genuine 3D content to groups of people without subjecting them to the indignity of donning a fleet of VR headsets.
Some first use cases are showing up in fields like orthodontics, where holographic renderings of dental CT-scans for surgeons (and soon for patients) are fast becoming a reality.
Another obvious use is as real preview of an object before spending 10 or more hours to 3D print it. Also designing in holographic instead using various confusing 2d views allows to minimize errors, saving hours or even days by avoiding mistakes before printing.
The Looking Glass Pro is a powerful embedded computer, you can touch directly on the holographic display for interacting with the 3D content, you also have a flip-out 2D touchscreen for things like text entry and extended UI. It includes a commercial license to the Holographic Software Suite, a collection of the Looking Glass SDKs for Unity, three.js, and Unreal Engine SDK, meaning developers in the enterprise can make apps for the Pro and deploy them fully-standalone for commercial applications for the first time.
You can buy the Pro here:
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