How to Upload 3D to YouTube. How to Watch 3D on YouTube (and channels with good 3D videos)  / Tutorial, TVs and monitors /  How to Upload 3D to YouTube. How to Watch 3D on YouTube (and channels with good 3D videos)

How to Upload 3D to YouTube. How to Watch 3D on YouTube (and channels with good 3D videos)


NOTICE: Currently, there’s a bug on YouTube that doesn’t allow to correctly upload 3D videos. More information on this post:

UPDATE 4: We added how to upload as frame-packing for best quality possible.

UPDATE 3: Fake your browser as TV so you get the SBS image instead red and blue anaglyph:
On any chromium based browser install the Youtube for TV plugin then on the url address you want to watch add /tv#/ between and watch?
Example: It will open the Youtube TV version and allow you to go fullscreen by pressing the key F11 of the keyboard.

UPDATE 2: If you have nvidia 3d vision you can use this tool to open YouTube or Vimeo videos on the free nvidia 3D video player or on Stereoscopic Player. Also remember to download youtube-dl on same folder you unzipped OpenYT3D.

UPDATE: If you have an iPhone or iPad or Samsung or Pixel you can upgrade your device with a 3D screen with Mopic and view 3D YouTube right on your device.

Quick Access:

How to Uplad 3D videos to YouTube

3D in the metadata

Some cameras generate videos encoded with the 3D tag in the metadata, and can be uploaded directly to YouTube, so 3D TVs and virtual reality viewers with appropriate players will display the video in 3D.

This is the best and highest quality method. Unfortunately, not many cameras encode this data. Also, sometimes metadata can be lost when editing videos in a program. You could convert to MK3D format, so it will play both for both 2d and 3D users. Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t recognize MK3D.

And there’s another important thing, native 3D videos on YouTube can be watched in 2d thanks to a button to disable 3D, so it will arrive to regular users without 3D display or glasses, therefore it will have broader distribution, and some of these users without 3D display might be more interested to buy a 3D display in the future. If more and more people watch 3D videos in 2d, they will notice there’s increasing 3D content on YouTube, and 3D not died some time ago, as they were thinking, but is increasing instead.

The 3D button allows getting more people interested in 3D

So, here’s how to add that metadata on a computer, by downloading the appropriate ffmpeg executable for your operating system:

ffmpeg -i input_file.mp4 -aspect 16:9 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 stereo_mode=1 -y output_file.mp4

To make things easier, we have created a shortcut for Windows so that you don’t have to write code:

  1. Download this file: and decompress on a folder.
  2. Copy the 3D videos to which you want to add 3D metadata to the same folder (filenames shouldn’t have spaces).
  3. Run the file run.bat, will start adding metadata to all MP4 videos in the folder.
  4. When finished, you will have the videos ready for uploading to YouTube in the folder output.
When we open run.bat, and after a process of several seconds (or minutes if it is one or several large files), we will have the video ready to upload to YouTube


With Full-SBS Your viewers can also use any smartphone attached to a Cardboard or VR headset and play SBS 3D videos directly without even needing to touch anything, just make sure you upload your SBS videos not squeezed (100% SBS or Full SBS); Some devices will detect automatically between Full SBS and Half SBS. PSVR and PC VR headsets users can play Full-SBS videos without any 3D flag encoded from YouTube too.

It would be a good way to upload to YouTube if it weren’t for the fact that most 3D displays show the image squashed.

Full SBS provide better quality, and it will work directly on VR headsets attached to a smartphone. Most 3DTVs will show distorted unless you upload videos with 3D flag in the metadata


With half-sbs you can activate the 3D playback on almost any 3D device (but at a big loss of quality) including 3DTVs without internet or any YouTube App, using an attached set-top-box, game console or smartphone. If you use a 3DTV you have to activate the 3D button, most of 3D devices have a switch to activate the 3D, and assume half-sbs by default (some also support other formats, as column interlaced and above/under).

As conclusion, we, as creators, need to upload your videos twice: one with stereoscopic metadata for best quality for 3DTVs & DLP 3D projectors, and one low quality half-sbs version for other 3D devices, put a link to the other version on description.

– If the video is uploaded with 3D metadata: In the YouTube tags, write yt3d (is the way many people still look for 3D videos from their TVs). Don’t explicitly put in the title that is a 3D video, if you want, put a note on the description saying “(3D can be disabled)“.

– If the video is uploaded in half-sbs put it on the title (since 2d users can’t watch it) : Example: “Shakira in h-sbs 3D“, and in the YouTube tags, write h-sbs and half-sbs.

Don’t forget to specify the tags on YouTube: yt3d for native 3D with the metadata, and h-sbs, half-sbs for half-sbs

Tips for playing 3D videos

When looking for 3D videos on YouTube, remember avoiding videos that say VR trailer or VR 3D trailer, as they’re usually a 2d video repeated two times (something dumb and not needed, as any VR viewer/headset or Cardboard can play any 2d video directly without having to format them for VR).
Try using “, Stereoscopic 3D, SBS 3D, yt3d, or real 3D” words on your search.

  • If you are using Anaglyph glasses or a 3DTV or DLP 3D projector: search using the yt3d word (i.e. “Space documentary yt3d“. Note that you can also search lower quality videos searching for SBS 3D and OU 3D/Top-Bottom 3D.
  • If you’re using another 3D display that doesn’t support native 3D from Youtube: you need to search using the SBS 3D words (i.e. “Space documentary SBS 3D“). You could also use OU 3D (Over/Under) or Top-Bottom 3D if your device supports it.

If you find a video not looking any good in 3D, you need to check first if the 3D is inverted (put temporaly your glasses upside down, or look for a button for inverting the 3D on your device), if still looks weird it is a fake 3D video: give it immediately a thumb down and write a comment on the video saying: FAKE 3D, so other users will not lose time trying to watch in 3D that video. When browsing 3D videos, suspect videos with bad reviews. If the video was simply inverted just note it on the comments of the video.

Issues with some devices

There are some 3D smartphones that don’t have a way to play 3D videos from YouTube
(nor 3D flagged, nor SBS), ironically the old HTC Evo 3D and LG Optimus 3D still can while newer devices don’t, -some like the Axon, the P11 or the King tablet include a 3D button that only works for SBS videos-, is strange and pity brands does not offer this obvious function. In that cases you could use the browser to use the mobile website of youtube (, then you can use the 3D button to watch in 3D. If browser still shows anaglyph version you have to use a YouTube downloader (as Arktube, NewPipe or a Telegram bot).
Lume Pad correctly detects 3D flag.

If you use a PC with nvidia 3d vision: if you have a 3d vision ready monitor you have only one option: Use PowerDVD 19 or prior (important: it seems old PowerDVD versions like 19 does not play Youtube anymore, and newer versions doesn’t have 3D support for displays, only for VR headsets). PowerDVD detects all these 3D flagged videos and plays them in your 3D monitor instead of anaglyph. For SBS videos, you have to use the secondary button of your mouse above image (while playing the video) and select 3D Source Format and then Side by Side format (or one of the other 3D formats if you watch a video on that format). You can also use a VR headset instead of the monitor.

YouTube is the biggest 3D content source, and every day new 3D content is uploaded

Google introduced another stupid problem; if you’re using the Nintendo 3DS, the official Youtube App will play 3D videos in anaglyph mode instead of using the glasses-free screen from the handheld…. Yes, they suck. But if you use the Nintendo web browser to visit youtube you will play the old yt3d videos in 3D, but in a reduced quality. The browser also allows to play Youtube SBS 3D videos on your 3DS, but with better quality than videos flagged as 3D. If the 3DS is your only 3D device we recommend you to buy a 3D Smartphone. For watching 3D videos directly from YouTube App (or even websites) we recommend the King Tablet (only SBS or TB), while the Lume Pad can indirectly view all 3D formats in Youtube/other websites by sharing the link to LeiaTube.

YouTube channels with Real Stereoscopic 3D content

On this YouTube channel you will only find Real Stereoscopic 3D trailers, both 3D flagged and SBS, so you can avoid that false conversions made by amateurs.
If you want to know how good looks some PC games with NVIDIA 3D VISION this is your channel.
We hope you enjoy the experience of watching our high quality videos Full HD in 3D Side by Side with your TV (LG, Sony, Samsung, Toshiba, Grundig, Medion, Panasonic…) or VR glasses (Cardboard, Vive, Pimax, Daydream, Oculus, Windows Mixed Reality, SteamVR…)
from Germany
The first 3D video magasine on internet. We propose worldwide videos in stereoscopic format.
Channel dedicated to the art of underwater 3D videography. I’m a retired professional photographer & digital artist & have been diving for 49 years & doing underwater video for over 30 of those. I sincerely believe that 3D video is the ultimate medium for capturing the feel and beauty of an underwater environment, since by its very nature it is so multi layered. I strive to shoot 3D in a way that captures video in negative parallax, which is commonly known as 3D popout
Barry Chall
Quelques petites vidéo en 3D – Test et essais de logiciels – Mais surtout le plaisir de filmer et de monter en 3D Stéréoscopique. N’hésitez à laisser vos critiques, c’est toujours constructif. Vous pouvez copier et partager ces vidéos en respectant et signalant le nom de l’auteur “Jacques MARIAUD”
Jaques Mariaud
Welcome to my channel, I am a Stereographer and Stereoscopic Supervisor for the film industry, Here you will find some of my 3D stereoscopic work and educational videos on all things 3D, You can download the full 1080p and 4K 3D side by side or over and under versions of some of my 3D films suitable for your 3DTV. it’s also an opportunity to support independent 3D film making, The cost is as little as £2 per download and you can pay by Paypal, get details by contacting 3D Phil by the following email:
Phil Brown
Games recorded in 3D 360 degrees, you can rotate camera to look where you want.
Welcome! Please subscribe for a mix of gaming and VR entertainment. All created to share the fun, with a touch of creativity to make it interesting and unique.
3D/stereoscopic/monoscopic : All 3D videos are stereoscopic and all SBS videos are 3D, but 360° videos are either 3D (stereoscopic) or 2D (monoscopic).
Bast Amiramix

Do you have a 3D YouTube channel?

If you have a YouTube channel with only Real 3D videos we will add it for free. Use the website chat, make a comment, or request on our Telegram group.


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24 thoughts on “How to Upload 3D to YouTube. How to Watch 3D on YouTube (and channels with good 3D videos)”

  1. Adding _2x1 works great for hsbs but what do I need to add to see hou(half over and under) in 3D? Have tried a lot of combinations (_1x2, _2x2, _4x1, _4x4) but nothing has worked so far.

    1. I published your concern to the h4vuser forum. Let’s see if there’s a way to watch HOU content.

    2. Still not official, but you can now use _1x2 for Over/Under videos on Lume and Hydrogen.

  2. Hello I used adding the _2x1 and worked fine but in the last update of the Red Player is not working properly and the image looks compressed and does not full all the screen, Do you know if there is a way to correct this. thank you

    1. Mine is working fine. Yesterday I updated to the beta version (open settings in Red Player), and it have a lot of new functions

    1. Ya he añadido tu canal al artículo. Cuando entres a nuestro chat podemos comentar eso que dices de convertir una imagen 2d en 3D.
      El grupo de Telegram es @chat3D

  3. How to download 3d content from youtube to copy it to a usb drive and play it on Sony Bravia 3D tv?

  4. I wrote this to make a toggle button for anaglyph and 3DSBS for videos in youtube.
    First you install greasemonkey or tampemronkey in your chrome or firefox.
    Then you add this script, follow link.

    1. Colin, your script is excellent but you forgot to give the link! For everyone else, here it is:
      Once the script is running on a YouTube page, notice the new button that says ‘3DSBS’ on the top left corner of the page (at first, I didn’t see it). Clicking on this button and displaying the resulting SBS video in full screen on a 3D monitor or 3D TV makes it possible to see it in 3D with glasses.
      Unfortunately, as of now, this script only works on computers, since most mobile browsers do not support addons.

  5. Thank you Kano3D for this informative article. I’ve been experimenting with 3D and 360° content since I read it in Jan 2021. I have setup a YouTube channel with (among others) stereoscopic 3D 360° and OU (over-under) videos because I wanted to learn the process of producing, editing and publishing such content. For now it’s mostly based on gameplay (Fortnite) because it was easiest to start with, but with time I do plan to add more variety, depending on demand and popularity of the channel.

    I am trying to be methodical and I tag each video appropriately, please check the playlists:

    The main outcome for now is that playing 3D content in VR directly from YouTube is an almost impossible task. None of the players I tried support that and the native YouTube VR player is probably the worst of all (at least on Vive). One of them apparently support it but only on Oculus and I don’t have the hardware to confirm. Some online sources suggested watching in VR using a browser in a Virtual Desktop environment, which is a bit tricky to setup.

    I think the only option for now is to download the video using a downloader (or pay for YouTube premium to have the button) and look for a player that supports AV1 (I am yet to try that). Would welcome any suggestions if anyone has any?

    Lastly, would this channel I mentioned above be good enough and with the appropriate content to add it to the list on this page?

    1. Looks promising, but it seems using different aspect ratios makes 3D image to need different convergence settings between scenes. Try to use only 16:9 scenes, so there won’t be black bars on sides -that would need to change convergence-.
      I love the Doctoring the Strange mashup.

      1. The use of different aspect ratios are in keeping with the movies original aspect ratios.
        Wizard of Oz is 4:3
        Avatar is 16:9
        Various Marvel Movies bounce aspect ratios inside of it’s own movie. It will switch from 2.39:1 to 16:9 in the very same movie. When I generate the mashups, the images are to proper scale, but sometime black bars will appear. To crop the image so the video fills the screen entirely means that some of the 3D effect will be lost. I would rather keep the video set as intend keeping the bars in, than to monkey up the video while target zooming the image for both left and right eyes.
        You also want to keep the black bars in case the scene breaks frame. For example Guardians of Galaxy, when the mouse creature is flipped up on the gaming table, the creature image goes into the back bar therefore breaking the frame of the movie giving it a bigger 3D experience.

        Glad you enjoyed Doctoring the Strange.

        1. Then you should use fixed 16:9 aspect ratio with added black bars at sides of every eye for scenes with smaller aspect ratio like 4:3 (no problem if 21:9 scenes have bars up and down). So 3D will always look correctly. If there are black bars at the sides of the whole SBS image, but not in the center, it will produce an issue of convergence that is annoying.

  6. When watching on either Anaglyph or watching through YouTube VR on quest2, there is no issue of convergence. Each image is dead center in each eye. If there are black bars, the black bars are laid out properly in those two environments.

    But, how are you watching the video? 3D TV, VR, Anaglyph glasses? I sometimes find not every 3D video plays in every environment.

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