Enough! Demand Disney to include 3D movies on Disney+

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Enough! Demand Disney to include 3D movies on Disney+


UPDATE: You can also demand them to include 3D movies on this form. Keep making pressure!

UPDATE 2: You can watch 100 3D movies for free on our ProMa King Tablet

Remember: Vudu have a catalog of 3D movies to stream (only available in US and Canada)

As you probably know, Disney is launching its own Video On Demand service, so another big player is going to compete with Netflix (and Vudu, which is offering 3D movies in the USA right now). This service will have the strongest catalog without having to make any agreement because they own Marvel, Pixar, ABC, Fox, and National Geographic among others.

They are the biggest & best 3D content source. Marvel and Disney movies are the king of 3D Blu-ray sales, and almost all their movies are released in their Disney 3D. For that reason, it is so important that 3D is not forgotten in their upcoming streaming service. As streaming services grow, disc sales keeps decreasing. So it could be the case that they stop selling 3D movies (the latest X-Men movie: X-men Dark Phoenix is the first not released in 3D Blu-ray). Maybe there are no new 3DTVs to buy, but all the existing 3DTVs are less than 10 years old so will not be replaced in short term, there are a lot of new 3D projectors and new models still arriving, the number of VR headsets is increasing constantly, and wearing a bulky headset which immerses yourself into a virtual 3D world makes stupid to watch 2d content on it, there are the Lume Pad (and soon our new ProMa 3D tablet), and more Leia and Dimenco holographic 3D screens are coming eventually. It could be a disaster if this new Holographic 3D devices arrive and no new 3D movies are released, whatever the format, although if this is the case maybe companies will abandon 3D to adopt a new Holographic format with 4 or more views like the Lume Pad or Looking Glass.

All the existing 3DTVs are, at most, 10 years old or less, so will not be replaced in short term

Of course, the 3D images will be able to use the same DRM protection as the other 2d versions.

For Disney, it will be cheap to include 3D versions of their movies. The price of subscription will include 4K versions for all movies, and 3D files are not much bigger than 2d files if they use the frame interleaved format. Disney will need to invest only a few hundreds of dollars for a few Terabytes more on their servers. A movie on 3D Blu-ray fits in less than 50 GB, but streaming services use more efficient codecs (they need to, not everyone can receive 50 GB in 2 hours with their internet connections) so the files don’t occupy so much space. If they want, they even can use one single file for both 3D and 2d versions, like the 3D blu-ray format. 2d users will see the file as 2d movie, and 3D users will see the entire 3D version of the file.

Also, as they’re included in subscription, some users could discover movies they were not initially interested to pay for and enjoy them so much that they could be encouraged to buy the 3D Blu-ray. Therefore, this proposal will bring additional revenue and more money to Disney, as it will entice subscribers into buying additional discs for a movie that he/she already watched included on the service. Speaking on my behalf, I will be one of those users buying more discs if they stream 3D movies, as I will use the service to check if the 3D of a movie I still don’t own is worth the money to buy the 3D Blu-ray.

I personally choosed the last reason to contact the Disney Plus twitter account:

They sent me a private message saying this:

As you see, they didn’t say yes, but also they didn’t say no. If more people ask them to include the movies in 3D, they will see that interest for 3D is still there and could make it a reality to fulfill the demand.

Let’s go, choose your reason to ask Disney for 3D on Disney+ and contact them on their Twitter account, you can use one of the reasons we explained above. Also, don’t forget to mention the country where do you live. Other streaming services only release 3D content on their origin country, not available for the rest of the world (like Netflix and Vudu releasing 3D movies only on the USA, and LaTV best 3D movies locked for French users only), so if you’re not on USA make sure to mention your country, more people from more countries the better.

For your convenience, you can directly send them this tweet (it will open in a new window, and you will be able to modify text before sending):

@DisneyPlusHelp Please, add 3D to Disney+.


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7 thoughts on “Enough! Demand Disney to include 3D movies on Disney+”

  1. Hi, I was hoping you could help with this. I want to create a DIY lenticular sheet you can put over a 17″ Laptop and view 3D movies and photos using the Stereoscopic video player. The only thing is I’m not sure what type of lenticular LPI sheet to get. I was wondering if you know or could provide me with the proper information.

    I am a huge fan of 3D and finding glasses-free devices at a reasonable price is next to impossible.

    Thank you.

    1. Ideally you need a lenticular that exactly fits your resolution: if screen resolution is 1920×1080 you need a 960 columns lenticular film of exact same size of screen. As this will not be likely the case you can buy any lenticular film and make a program to interlace the 3D image at the same position of lenticular columns. But if you find some brand that could make you a custom lenticular film to your screen resolution and size please tell us. Note that most lenticular films can show more than 2 views (and some sizes need to because it can be very difficult to find correct angle for the only two views of traditional 3D, so this can be another issue)

  2. Valery from Canada – we are purchasing a high quality 8 K TV. All that is keeping me from a Disney membership is availability and option of 3D motion pictures. Thank you for your efforts.

  3. Personalmente tengo un LG 3D año 2015 con software “SmartTv” y con mucha suerte alcanzó a instalar Netflix, las nuevas apps no son compatibles

    1. Hasta televisores con 2 años o incluso modelos de 2020 no son compatibles ni con Disney+ ni con AppleTV+. Compres el televisor que compres sabes que el próximo año quizás salga un servicio que no tiene App para tu televisor. Por eso la gente suele usar un dispositivo externo como un AndroidTV, AppleTV, consola de videojuegos, etc, para usar Apps de streaming en su televisor. Que ahí siempre son compatibles con todos los televisores, por muy viejos que sean. Tal y como explico en el artículo si la App Disney+ hace que los contenidos 3D esten en Half-SBS irá en casi todas las pantallas 3D actuales y las nuevas pantallas 3D Holográficas que están saliendo (sí, y aún van a salir más pantallas 3D Holográficas en los próximos meses, algunas aptas para sustituir a los televisores 3D)

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