Real high quality 3D Lenticular prints with last Leia update  / Photography, Apps, lenticular /  Real high quality 3D Lenticular prints with last Leia update

Real high quality 3D Lenticular prints with last Leia update


Leia is launching 3D Lenticular Prints with last update of LeiaPix (available for Lume Pad and Hydrogen). This update is a Christmas present to us! The new Leia Prints service lets you order high-quality many-view lenticular Prints of the Lightfield images you’ve posted to LeiaPix. They’re available in two sizes: Regular sized Prints are a great present for friends and family, and Large Prints are a fantastic framed piece to put on your wall. Regular is a max size of 8” x 4.5”, and Large is a max size of 16” x 9”, if your images have 16:9 aspect ratio you will use all the size -almost all 3D/4V images people take are 16:9-.

This is the first real alternative for consumer users for making the same high quality lenticular images you may have seen on some places. This is an exciting and wanted feature, but for the moment is only available for USA. We also don’t understand why this feature is available on LeiaPix (actually the largest 3D Photo Community) instead on LeiaPlayer (which is the App to watch all your media content stored on your device), because people will want to print their family/personal 3D/4V photos that usually aren’t posted to the public, there are a lot of masterpieces people publish on LeiaPix, but people will prefer to put on their walls their beloved ones and personal images not published on the community.

The price for 8″ x 4.5″ is only $15 which we think is a reasonable price. For the larger size you will need to be more selective because it is $60, but we don’t think this is expensive, because if you choose a good 3D/4V photo the print at 16″ x 9″ will amaze everybody on your home.


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3 thoughts on “Real high quality 3D Lenticular prints with last Leia update”

    1. I think shipping is not included, and if is the price is only for continental US. For the moment they only ship to US.

  1. I have the Luma Pad. So, what are the steps to ordering a 3D print using Leia Prints?

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