Now the Nubia family also supports wireless 3D streaming from your PC  / Videogames, Apps, Tablets /  Now the Nubia family also supports wireless 3D streaming from your PC

Now the Nubia family also supports wireless 3D streaming from your PC


Moonlight3D is on the Leia Appstore now

Like our King’s tablet remote connection exclusive feature did in the past, now the Lume Pad 2/Nubia Pad 3D (from now we’ll call them the Nubia for easier reading) can also stream your PC content to the tablet. Any and all content in Half-Width SBS format on your PC will be supported. You’ll be able to stream 3D media, software, and games. So, now you can use Stereo Photo Maker to edit your 3D photos also on the Nubia.

Moonlight3D is a fork of the open-source Moonlight Project 25, which is a wireless PC streaming solution primarily for playing PC games, but can work for anything. Moonlight 3D works exactly like Moonlight except for the 3D feature, so Leia will not be providing Moonlight-specific support or troubleshooting, only support regarding the 3D feature.

To enable Moonlight3D, first set up your PC. If you have a PC with an Nvidia graphics card, go to GeForce Experience and enable Nvidia Gamestream. If you have another kind of PC, download and set up the Sunshine 9 app. Using Sunshine, Moonlight3D also supports remote streaming, meaning you can leave your Windows Desktop and home and stream it to your tablet when you’re traveling. For the best results, set your PC display resolution to a resolution with a 16:10 ratio, such as 2560×1600, to ensure it will fill the screen of your tablet when streaming.

Moonlight3D streams your PC wirelessly in 2D by default, but by tapping and holding three fingers on your screen, you can toggle back and forth between 2D and 3D. Note: tapping quickly with three fingers will bring up and dismiss the on-screen touch keyboard just like in the original Moonlight app, so be wary that they’re slightly different gestures.

Moonlight3D also supports any gamepad, keyboard, or mouse connected to Lume Pad 2 or Nubia Pad 3D either through the USB-C port or through Bluetooth. It will pass the inputs to the PC remotely while the PC display is being streamed to your tablet.

This enables an entirely new class of content creator to use their tablet as a live 3D monitor of their professional creations on their PC.


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One thought on “Now the Nubia family also supports wireless 3D streaming from your PC”

  1. Image Enhancement

    To begin, I want to contact a three-dimensional television manufacturer with my invention for their appraisal? Possible sale. Robin at
    Without attempting to re-invent the wheel, I’ve simply discovered another application for it. I‘m not converting from the two dimensional television into 3d, but revealing within 2dtv, what was until now lost, this is borne out by what I’ve discovered.
    No viewing glasses. No viewing sweet spot. No special 3D transmission required. Increased clarity. Reduced eyestrain for the viewer’s as they do experience from viewing 2D. Displaying a full depth field of view. No, Blu-ray system employed in creating this 3D sensational effect. Live streaming 3D TV illusion from 2D signals if originally filmed from 3D video images. All the while employing only the standard television transmissions, entirely created within the TV monitor. Nothing extra to be transmitted. Therefore no transmission changes / charges. Also no antenna alterations required.
    All who have viewed this to date without exception have agreed that I have something very different and most simply say it looks exactly what the world has been looking for.
    Without television manufacturers here, I have shown this system to several TV repair technicians and have been informed that I have undone major fundamental teachings of television transmissions.
    I also invited a computer graphic engineering company who specialize in the manufacturing for television here, of the animated three-dimensional advertisements for television commercials. This system of mine also well illustrates their created 3d programs displaying the added perception of the depth effect imaging.
    While this company’s manager said he has viewed other systems, none have impressed him as much as this has.
    To further my belief in what I’m viewing I chose to involve an optometrist whom I’d never known for his unbiased professional opinion. He was so taken by what he viewed he wrote a supporting note including drawings demonstrating the perceived view to be well outside of the TV monitor cabinet.
    To date, no one has been able to enlighten me on the theory behind this, but I have a hundred percent success rate at demonstrating it.
    This has to be the most economical and reliable system ever.
    I simply happened to be in the right place at the right time.
    It is as natural to view as looking around the room. Just the same as you can see and appreciate the distance to any object/boundary wall etc. Sports take on a new look from that of 2d viewing.
    In a similar way in which the human brain perceives three-dimensional viewing, I have discovered a successful auxiliary method to exchange / display two-dimensional television which appears three-dimensional according to all who have viewed this.
    The part of my discovery that allows the viewer to perceive an acceptable image increasing the depth requirements to a natural perception is derived from a similar process that one’s brain, not the eyes alone, operates while three-dimensional viewing.
    Science informs us that the brain and the eyes combined are responsible for our perception of three-dimension viewing.
    My demonstration viewings are borne out by the fact that I originally discovered this effect while viewing with one eye closed. Yes that is correct, no typo!
    It was for this reason that I invited an optometrist for his professional opinion as to what I was now viewing. As prior to this discovery; I believed that three-dimensional viewing required two eyes in order for the brain to triangulate, for one to appreciate the focal depth of view.
    Not qualified in this field I have nothing written/published on it.
    Alas to view this, I’m not in a position to travel. Those who have been privy to this have all, first, signed my non-disclosure secrecy agreement. Even when I demonstrated this (system) to my solicitor initially for his advice he said some words in great surprise, that I thought I would never hear him say. They also included, would I accept NZ $ 100,000 to market it.
    To which I replied, “I can’t guarantee to repay you”. This is because I’m not a gambler.
    I spoke to Royal Philips who at the time was so financially committed to their own system they were not able to change direction, and now I’m informed are not in the running anymore.
    While I was never able to divulge/explain my theory they did inform me that they spent a lot of money on a Canadian man some time ago who had all the theory and none of the practical. Of which I have the total opposite.
    Now I find Philips have stopped their work including research on three-dimensional television. Fred Boekhorst Senior Vice President for Royal Philips Eindhoven, Research informed me that Philips have now farmed/outscored their, three-dimensional R&D to TPV [A Chinese company]
    It appears to me from what I have discovered that my television system could have been operating back in the John Logie Baird’s prototype.
    The computer graphics engineering company I spoke of spent some time attempting to analyze this to no avail. They reported back to me that they were unable to find a mathematical reference point in which to begin research measurements during their reverse engineering process.
    What I now require is a television manufacturer to assess this to its fruition. Regards Robin. d=depth d=display d=devise t=true v=view 777=by God
    No viewing glasses employed. No viewing restrictions, i.e. angle to the monitor screen, or distance from it. If one can view the televised image they will appreciate the added depth of view effect, even if viewed with one eye closed, this phenomenon continues unheeded. More natural to view than other current systems to date. No eye strain. No Transmissions Problems. And most importantly without a doubt more stable / reliable and economical than all other research to date.
    < > depth display devise true view by God
    To reiterate a couple of points;
    With my system the viewer’s perceive a virtual televised image that is as natural as looking about you, right where you are now. However my viewer’s perception of this continues unheeded even if they close one eye, unlike all other three-dimensional television systems to date. This, the optometrist confirms within his complementary written note and drawings.
    While I have a 100 percent success rate in personal demonstrations, my stumbling point here is down to, my lack of ability to explain the theory behind this invention, I have more than once failed here badly before. Though what I have, if it finally reached the world market, would become exceedingly lucrative.
    The difference with this system is, “everything” is depicted in its correct plan / place in relation to distance between and too all surfaces. Absolutely as you see about yourself right where you are now, viewing with two eyes together. I have never known anyone else working from or anywhere near the approach that I’ve discovered. To view this at this stage, everything is exposed just the same as the historic photos of John Logie Baird’s rudimentary prototype back in 1926. This system of mine will require the intellect of television R&D manufacturers to enclose it to its fruition.
    I found an Australian man, “Frazier Lens US Patent 5,727,236 PDF at Google Patents”. With Jim Frazier’s Video imaging, keeping every pictured image in focus from Macro lens too infinity simultaneously.
    When I linked my system to his, to my delight I found that I was able to add my depth effect phenomenon to his imaging, causing it to be more than interesting.
    Because I’m totally unqualified in this phenomenon, I can only explain it appears nothing like the yesteryear view-master that displays the perception of depth in several distinctive layers. Neither does it appear holographic.
    My discovery is I guess very much less spectacular, to reiterate it appears absolutely natural. Maybe if you were to cup your hands close up to your eyes to pretend that you are now peering out through a window. However, now with the aid of the perception from the video movement together with the photographic lens, zooming to and fro, this perception really comes into its own, most especially in the depiction of sporting events.
    I recall a short time after I had discovered this virtual televised image system, while viewing a close-up video angle recording of a railway steam locomotive belching steam as it exited out of a blackened railway tunnel into an extremely bright snow covered alpine scene, I found this moving image to be simply so real, finding myself quickly withdrawing back out of the way. There are an endless number of spectacular examples that come to mind to well demonstrate this virtual televised image effect. Not many better than the video camera depicting the view as it is walked beneath the spring blossom trees, absolutely spectacular television displaying the added virtual depth effect imaging.
    I am more and more convinced as time passes, that this discovery / invention of mine alone will require the expertise of qualified three-dimensional television research and development science to bring this to fruition from my rudimentary situation.
    Kind regards
    Regards Robin. d=depth d=display d=devise t=true v=view 777= God

    If you want to evaluate this further it must comply with my New Zealand patent attorney.

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